24 research outputs found


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    In this paper, a review of a development of the Drazin inverse for the sum of two matrices has been given. Since this topic is closely related to the problem of finding the Drazin inverse of a 2x2 block matrix, the paper also offers a survey of this subject

    Gender Analysis of the Online Editions of Printed Media in Serbia

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    Politike predstavljanja ženskih identiteta u javnom i medijskom diskursu mogu se posmatrati kao izraz odnosa moći u određenom društvu i istorijskom razdoblju, i da je u tom smislu pozicija «ženskog» konstruisana i označena kao figura «drugog», kao figura u kojoj se ogledaju dominantni društveni odnosi. Žena je ovdje kategorija, dakle, riječ je o tome da je ono što se pripisuje ovoj kategoriji odnosno ženskom principu drugo, drugorazredno, nepoželjno, manje vrednovano u vladajućim ideologijama i njima svojstvenim medijskim praksama. Jedan od problema kojima se bavim u ovom radu je istraživanje da li nove medijske tehnologije i novi oblici komunikacija i prenošenja medijskog sadržaja, kao i formiranje dinamičnog su/odnosa medijskog teksta i medijskih publika doprinose promjeni reprezentacije i konstruisanja ženskih identiteta u medijskim diskursima ili naprosto ponavljaju patrijarhalne diskriminatorne obrasce u novom medijskom okruženju. Cilj istraživanja je da pokaže kako se konstruišu različiti identiteti žena u reprezentacijskim praksama online (onlajn) izdanja štampanih medija, kao da li su na dijelu, i ako jesu na koji način djeluju, strategije isključivanja žena u medijskoj praksi kroz konstrukcije stvarnosti, getoizacije i stereotipizacije žena u medijima. Metodološki okvir istraživanja ”Rodna analiza onlajn štampanih medija u Srbiji” predstavlja kombinaciju kvantitativnih i kvalitativnih pristupa u procesu dokazivanja postavljenih hipoteza, jedne opšte i tri specifične, proizašle iz nje. Opšta hipoteza Ženski identitet nezavisno od globalne transformacije medijskih žanrova i načina komunikacije u savremenom tranzicionom društva u Srbiji je uvijek reprezentovan kroz figuru „drugog” i „drugosti”, i to bez obzira na identitetsku poziciju koju zauzima u društvenoj raspodjeli moći. Hipoteza 1 Različita distribucija moći i vidljivosti u odnosu na različite ženske identitete je prisutna u medijskom diskursu (žene iz javne sfere naspram marginalizovanih). Hipoteza 2 Medijski tekst prepoznaje temu nasilja nad ženama kao ključnu koja se odnosi na živote žena, odnosno kada su u pitanju medijske reprezentacije žena u društvenom kontekstu, one su u najvećem broju predstavljene kao žrtve. Hipoteza 3 Žene iz manjinskih i marginalizovanih grupa su nevidljive u medijskom diskursu onlajn izdanja štampanih medija. Provjera hipoteza se realizuje kroz istraživanje koje uključuje monitoring onlajn izdanja štampanih medija (tekstova i komentara čitalaca i čitateljki): četiri nacionalna: Blic, Politika, Kurir, Danas i jednog lokalnog ‒ novosadski Dnevnik. Istraživački ciklus je obuhvatio period od 5 mjeseci (od novembra 2013. do marta 2014.). Selektovani su tekstovi o ženama koji su na web stranicama: www.blic.rs; ww.politika.rs; www.kurir-info.rs; www.danas.rs; www.dnevnik.rs u sljedećim danima: 07.11.2013.; 25.11.2013.; 10.12.2013.; 18.12.2013.; 27.01.2014.; 31.01.2014.; 14.02.2014.; 28.02.2014.; 08.03.2014.; 13.03.2014. Ukupan broj pregledanih tekstova je 184, dok broj pregledanih komentara iznosi 980. Onlajn sadržaj štampanih medija proizvodi istovjetne strategije isključivanja žena i njihovu getoizaciju, kako u samom tekstu tako i u komentarima nove interaktivne publike, koja postaje ko-autor/ka u procesu promocije i legitimizacije mizoginije kao javnog govora. Ovaj rad je pokazao da informacijskokomunikacijske tehnologije same po sebi ne mjenjaju nejednakosti i da je neophodno uspostaviti nove modele upotrebe savremenih tehnologija, koje će žene i druge marginalizovane grupe koristiti za socijalno pozicioniranje na internetu, ali i obrazovanje koje implicira novo oblikovanje rodnih uloga i praktičan rad (programiranje, veb-dizajn) kako bi stvorile orodnjeni i pravedniji sajber prostor (gendered syber space).Policies of representation of female identities in public and media discourse can be seen as the expression of the relations of power in a certain society and historical period. In that sense, the position of „feminine“ is constructed and labeled as „the other“, the figure reflecting prevailing social relations. Thus, woman is a category and things attributed to this category, i.e. to the feminine principle, are other, secondrated, unwelcome, less worth within the dominant ideologies and media practices typical for them. One of the issues I deal with in this work is the research on whether the new media technologies and new forms of communication and conveying media content, as well as the dynamic relationship between media contents and media audiences, contribute to the change of representing and constructing feminine identities in media discourses, or they just repeat the patriarchal discriminatory patterns in a new media setting. Aim of the research is to show how different identities of women are being constructed in the representation practices of the online editions of the printed media, as well as to determine if these media practices include the strategies of excluding women through certain constructions of reality, ghettoization and stereotyping of women in the media, and if they do, to examine how these strategies work. Methodological framework of the research „Gender Analysis of the Online Editions of Printed Media in Serbia“ includes combination of quantitative and qualitative approaches to the process of proving hypotheses – one general and three specific hypotheses derived from the general one. General Hypothesis Unrelated to the global transformation of media genres and ways of communication, female identity in the contemporary transitional society of Serbia is always represented as „the other“ and through „otherness“, regardless of the position an identity has in the social distribution of power. Hypothesis 1 In the media discourse there is uneven distribution of power and visibility of different female identities (women from the public sphere vs. marginalized women). Hypothesis 2 Media texts recognize the subject of violence against women as the crucial subject of the lives of women, i.e. it is crucial in the media representations of women in the social context – and the majority of women are presented as victims. Hypothesis 3 Women from minority and marginalized groups are invisible in the media discourse of the online editions of printed media. Hypotheses were tested through the research based on monitoring online editions of the printed media (texts and comments of readers): four national – Blic, Politikа, Kurir, Dаnаs, and one local – Dnevnik from Novi Sad. Research cycle covered 5 months (from November 2013 to March 2014). I selected texts about women published at web pages www.blic.rs; www.politika.rs; www.kurir-info.rs; www.danas.rs; www.dnevnik.rs on the following dates: 07.11.2013.; 25.11.2013.; 10.12.2013.; 18.12.2013.; 27.01.2014.; 31.01.2014.; 14.02.2014.; 28.02.2014.; 08.03.2014.; 13.03.2014. Total number of examined texts was 184, while the total number of examined comments was 980. Online content of the printed media produces the identical strategies of excluding and ghettoizing women, both in the texts and in the comments of the new interactive audience that becomes the co-author of the promotion and legitimization of misogyny in the public discourse. This work showed that informationalcommunicational technologies by themselves do not change inequalities, and that it would be necessary to establish new models of use of contemporary technologies, so that women and other marginalized groups could use them for social positioning on the Internet, but also for the education that would imply reshaping of gender roles and practical work (programming, web-design) for the purpose of creating more gendered and equitable cyber space


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    This paper investigates the phenomenon of the incomplete data samples by analyzing their structure and also resolves the necessary procedures regularly used in missing data analysis. The research gives a crucial perceptive of the techniques and mechanisms needed in dealing with missing data issues in general. The motivation for writing this brief overview of the topic lies in the fact that statistical researchers inevitably meet missing data in their analysis. The authors examine the applicability of regular approaches for handling the missing data situations. Based on several previously published results, the authors provide an example of the incomplete data sample model that can be implemented when confronting with specific missing data patterns.

    Genotoxicity assessment of Danube River: in situ and in vitro methods.

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    Water quality in the Danube River Basin is largely influenced by the inputs of pollutants - particularly excessive nutrients, organic material, and hazardous substances, which affects the whole ecosystem at various levels. The major goal of this study was to evaluate the level of genotoxic potential at the site at Danube River, Novi Banovci, which is under significant anthropogenic pressure of untreated municipal and industrial waste waters. DNA damage in situ was assessed in 5 specimens of white bream (Blicca bjoerkna) erythrocytes, liver and gills cells with comet assay and in erythrocytes with micronucleus test. Additionally, genotoxicity of native water samples collected from the site and upstream and downstream of the site was evaluated by the comet assay on HepG2 cells. Microscopic images of comets were scored using Comet IV Computer Software (Perceptive Instruments, UK) and tail intensity was chosen as parameters to assess the DNA damage. Comet assay on white bream showed that gills were the most affected tissue, while liver showed the smallest values. Micronuclei frequency was low in general, with mean of 1 micronuclei in 5000 scored erythrocytes, with no significant correlation to the values of comet assay in erythrocytes. Comet assay on HepG2 cells showed significant difference between values of negative control samples and samples of water from effluent site and downstream of wastewater discharge. There was no significant difference between negative control and upstream samples of water. Our results showed that great impact of municipal and industrial wastewaters on the river ecosystem. The application of in vitro and in situ tests gives a better insight into genotoxic effects. More importantly, because Serbia still doesn’t have waste water treatment plants, this kind of research points out the imperative for implementation of this facilities

    Impact of wastewater effluents at two sites at Danube river: genotoxicological assessment.

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    One of the most severe threats to the Danube River course through Serbia is the direct discharge of untreated wastewater. In biomonitoring studies, faecal indicator bacteria are used to reveal the presence of untreated communal wastewater, while biomarker response in indigenous biota serves as a useful indicator of their harmful potential. The objective of this study was to estimate the genotoxic potential of untreated communal wastewater at two sites on the Danube River, Višnjica (Belgrade) and Novi Banovci, by using in situ approach in white bream (Blicca bjoerkna L.). A comet assay was selected to measure DNA damage in erythrocytes, liver, and gill cells, while the micronucleus test was applied to measure chromosomal aberrations in erythrocytes. Additionally, the accumulation of 22 elements in fish liver and muscle was analysed by ICP-OES meth- od. Simultaneous detection of total coliforms and E.coli in water was performed by enzyme-based Colilert-18 test (IDEXX). Comet assay revealed the highest level of DNA damage in gills at the site Novi Banovci, and in blood at the site Višnjica. The overall frequency of micronucleus at both sites was low. At both localities, the majority of analysed elements showed higher levels in the liver in comparison to muscle. Microbiological indicators confirmed the poor water quality, since at both sites water was categorised as critically to strongly polluted. The results of this study highlighted the importance of in situ biomonitoring approach and the need for more effective management of natural resources and implementation of wastewater treatment systems

    The Beginnings of Tourism in Croatia in the 19th Century

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    Povijesni razvoj hrvatskog turizma podijeljen je u šest faza. U ovome radu opisane su faza pojava sličnih turizmu i faza znatiželje koja se može smjestiti u 19. stoljeće. Kao početne godine organiziranog turizma na hrvatskom prostoru mogu se uzeti 1844., 1863. i 1868. godina. Godine 1844. u Dubrovnik je parobrodom Austrijskog Lloyda Barone Stürmer stiglo 153 putnika, u isto vrijeme otvara se Villa Angiolina u Opatiji. Godine 1863. braća Mihajlović s izletnicima su iz Zagreba otišli na putovanje u Graz i Beč. Godine 1868. otvoren je hotel na otoku Hvaru s 13 jednokrevetnih soba i vlastitim restoranom. Uslijedili su mnogi događaji koji predstavljaju početke hrvatskog turizma. Politička i gospodarska podijeljenost zemlje otežale su razvoj turizma što se može primijetiti u nedovoljno razvijenoj prometnoj infrastrukturi, koja tadašnjim stranim vlastima nije bila u interesu. Turizam se na Jadranu javlja u većim gradovima, koji uspijevaju graditi nove turističke i gospodarske objekte. Toplice su bile poznate još od doba antike, a njihovo se uređivanje može pratiti sredinom 19. stoljeća.Historical development of Croatian tourism is divided into six phases. The phases described in this thesis are the phase of phenomena similar to tourism and the phase of curiosity that can be placed in the 19th century. The years 1844, 1863 and 1868 can be taken as the starting years of organized tourism in Croatia. In 1844, Barone Stürmer, a steamer of the Austrian Lloyd, arrived to Dubrovnik with 153 passengers. In the same year Villa Angiolina was opened in Opatija. In 1863, the Mihajlović brothers, together with the excursionists from Zagreb, went on a trip to Graz and Vienna. In 1868, a hotel was opened on the island of Hvar with 13 single rooms and its own restaurant. Various important events followed and initiated the emergence of tourism in Croatia. The political and economic divisions of the country hindered the development of Croatian tourism, which can be seen in the underdeveloped transport infrastructure, which was not in the interest of the distant authorities. Tourism on the Adriatic occurs in larger cities, which manage to build new tourist and commercial facilities. Spas have been known in Croatia since antiquity, and their renewal can be seen in the middle of the 19th century

    The Beginnings of Tourism in Croatia in the 19th Century

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    Povijesni razvoj hrvatskog turizma podijeljen je u šest faza. U ovome radu opisane su faza pojava sličnih turizmu i faza znatiželje koja se može smjestiti u 19. stoljeće. Kao početne godine organiziranog turizma na hrvatskom prostoru mogu se uzeti 1844., 1863. i 1868. godina. Godine 1844. u Dubrovnik je parobrodom Austrijskog Lloyda Barone Stürmer stiglo 153 putnika, u isto vrijeme otvara se Villa Angiolina u Opatiji. Godine 1863. braća Mihajlović s izletnicima su iz Zagreba otišli na putovanje u Graz i Beč. Godine 1868. otvoren je hotel na otoku Hvaru s 13 jednokrevetnih soba i vlastitim restoranom. Uslijedili su mnogi događaji koji predstavljaju početke hrvatskog turizma. Politička i gospodarska podijeljenost zemlje otežale su razvoj turizma što se može primijetiti u nedovoljno razvijenoj prometnoj infrastrukturi, koja tadašnjim stranim vlastima nije bila u interesu. Turizam se na Jadranu javlja u većim gradovima, koji uspijevaju graditi nove turističke i gospodarske objekte. Toplice su bile poznate još od doba antike, a njihovo se uređivanje može pratiti sredinom 19. stoljeća.Historical development of Croatian tourism is divided into six phases. The phases described in this thesis are the phase of phenomena similar to tourism and the phase of curiosity that can be placed in the 19th century. The years 1844, 1863 and 1868 can be taken as the starting years of organized tourism in Croatia. In 1844, Barone Stürmer, a steamer of the Austrian Lloyd, arrived to Dubrovnik with 153 passengers. In the same year Villa Angiolina was opened in Opatija. In 1863, the Mihajlović brothers, together with the excursionists from Zagreb, went on a trip to Graz and Vienna. In 1868, a hotel was opened on the island of Hvar with 13 single rooms and its own restaurant. Various important events followed and initiated the emergence of tourism in Croatia. The political and economic divisions of the country hindered the development of Croatian tourism, which can be seen in the underdeveloped transport infrastructure, which was not in the interest of the distant authorities. Tourism on the Adriatic occurs in larger cities, which manage to build new tourist and commercial facilities. Spas have been known in Croatia since antiquity, and their renewal can be seen in the middle of the 19th century


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    Public disqualification of women is done through denying them the right of ownership and decide on their bodies and it is a paradigm of the conservative, nationalist discourse of the Serbian Orthodox Church, but also a crucial part of the value system of the right wing, which remains the same for different social systems. Right wing organizations and the Serbian Orthodox Church not only disapprove the emancipation of women and their equal position in society, but continually oppose these values in public and media space and actively advocate for the disrespect and violation of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution and other laws. In a secular society such as ours, the border separating state and church should be clear, so that patriarchal, traditional, conservative discourse of the church and the right wing could not even think about usurping the (symbolic) spaces of freedoms and rights we have won, nor could they produce the hate speech and discrimination against women.Živimo u vremenu militarizma, rastućeg nasilja, sprege države i crkve, dominantnog diskursa nacionalizma, rasizma, tradicionalizma i provincijalizma, kao i jačanja uticaja ultra desničarskih i fašističkih grupa u javnom i medijskom diskursu. Ekstremne desničarske grupe postaju akteri socijalnog i političkog života u Srbiji još tokom devedesetih godina. Zajedno sa razvojem rasizma, ksenofobije i nerazumevanja drugih kultura, desnica je prepoznala potencijal, iskoristila i izgradila simbolički kapital koji žene konstruiše i označava kroz figuru Drugog, kao figuru u kojoj se ogledaju preovlađujući društveni odnosi i ono što joj se obično pripisuje je drugorazredno, nepoželjno, manje vrednovano u vladajućoj/vladajućim ideologijama

    Additive properties of the drazin inverse and the drazin inverse of block matrices

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    In this dissertation, the Drazin inverse of a square complex matrix is studied. Additive properties of the Drazin inverse are investigated and some original results are presented. Also, representations of the Drazin inverse for 2x2 block matrix are considered and some original results on the subject are given. In addition, the Drazin inverse of a modified matrix is considered

    Additive properties of the drazin inverse and the drazin inverse of block matrices

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    In this dissertation, the Drazin inverse of a square complex matrix is studied. Additive properties of the Drazin inverse are investigated and some original results are presented. Also, representations of the Drazin inverse for 2x2 block matrix are considered and some original results on the subject are given. In addition, the Drazin inverse of a modified matrix is considered